Anna Sorokin, also known as Anna Delvey, is a German-born con artist who became notorious for her elaborate schemes to defraud wealthy New Yorkers and companies out of millions of dollars. She was sentenced to four to twelve years in prison for her offences. While her net worth is unknown, her age is 33 years old and her biography is a fascinating story of deception and manipulation.
Anna Sorokin Net Worth
Anna Sorokin’s net worth is unknown. However, her elaborate schemes to defraud wealthy New Yorkers and companies out of millions of dollars were estimated to have earned her over $200,000. She had also acquired expensive possessions such as designer clothing and luxury vacations, which she used to give the impression of being wealthy.
Sorokin was also able to obtain $22 million in loans from banks and other lenders using false documents and forged signatures. She was able to gain access to these funds by pretending to be a wealthy German heiress.
Sorokin also created fake companies and websites and pretended to be a wealthy investor. She used her false identity to solicit investments from wealthy individuals and companies, but never returned the money.
Anna Sorokin Age
Anna Sorokin is 33 years old. She was born in Germany in 1986 and immigrated to the United States when she was a teenager. She had been living in New York City since 2013 and had been carrying out her elaborate schemes since then.
Anna Sorokin Bio
Anna Sorokin was born in Germany in 1986. She was raised in a middle-class family and did not have a privileged upbringing. She moved to the United States when she was a teenager and started to create her false identity as a wealthy German heiress.
Sorokin created numerous false companies and websites and used them to solicit investments from wealthy individuals and companies. She also created fake documents and forged signatures to obtain loans of over $22 million from banks and other lenders.
Sorokin was able to gain access to luxuries such as designer clothing and expensive vacations by pretending to be wealthy. She was able to live a lavish lifestyle until she was arrested in 2017.
Anna Sorokin Summary
Anna Sorokin is a German-born con artist who became notorious for her elaborate schemes to defraud wealthy New Yorkers and companies out of millions of dollars. Her net worth is unknown, but her elaborate schemes are estimated to have earned her over $200,000. She is 33 years old and was born in Germany in 1986. She had been living in New York City since 2013 and had been carrying out her elaborate schemes since then.
Sorokin created numerous false companies and websites and used them to solicit investments from wealthy individuals and companies. She also created fake documents and forged signatures to obtain loans of over $22 million from banks and other lenders. She was sentenced to four to twelve years in prison for her offences.
Anna Sorokin’s story is a fascinating one of deception and manipulation. Despite her elaborate schemes, she was ultimately brought to justice and sentenced to four to twelve years in prison. Her net worth is unknown, but her age is 33 years old and her biography is a captivating tale of fraud.