What a year for gaming. If you’ve paid attention, you’ll know that 2023 gave us some of the best games in recent decades, including absolute smash hits like Baldur’s Gate 3. But what else came out this year, and which 2023 games can you buy with complete confidence? Let’s take a look, investigate some of the best games of the year, and see which deserve your attention.
Remember; this is just our opinion. If we don’t mention some 2023 games you like, it’s not because we don’t also like them, it’s just because we can only mention the best of the best.
Alan Wake 2
Arguably one of the best survival/horror games in years, Alan Wake 2 is a AAA game that goes all out in every department. Featuring stunning graphics, a deeply immersive story, and astoundingly good acting, it doesn’t get much better than this.
The original Alan Wake left gamers on a cliff-hanger in 2010, and now 13 years later finally progresses the story in a satisfying way. Even if you aren’t familiar with the classic, Alan Wake 2 is a survival/horror masterpiece that demands your attention. Expect powerful storytelling in a richly atmospheric setting, complete with some truly out-of-this-world narrative developments. If you get one game this year, make it Alan Wake 2. Just keep in mind that the horror is very real in Alan Wake 2, and the gore next level, so this certainly isn’t a game for youngsters.
Baldur’s Gate 3
Baldur’s Gate 3 is a rich, deeply immersive RPG that made a very big impact on the industry. Taking inspiration from classic Dungeons And Dragons, the story sees you control a party of heroes as they attempt to extract Mind Flayer parasites from their heads. Though, of course, the story is much deeper, and much more complex than that. You’ll explore multiple locations, interact with hundreds of characters, and make choices that dramatically change the sprawling in-game world.
Most notable is that Baldur’s Gate 3 truly allows you to play however you prefer. While other games claim to offer freedom, hoping gamers don’t notice just how restrictive the world really is, Baldur’s Gate 3 is diverse in a way that you must experience to understand. Stories split and split again, objectives are approachable from multiple angles, and characters genuinely evolve as you interact with them.
Many are saying that we likely won’t see a game as broad and diverse as Baldur’s Gate 3 again, or at least for some time, and that’s probably true. Sadly the industry is moving away from games this deep, likely because studios just aren’t willing to sink in the required work. So play Baldur’s Gate 3 now, while you can, and treasure it as a video game anomaly.
Spider-Man 2
The first Spider-Man saw major success, so it was only a matter of time before a sequel. Bigger and better in every way than the first, Spider-Man 2 again joins Peter Parker and Miles Morales as they keep Manhattan safe. Only this time they face even more villains, including the iconic Sandman and Venom.
If you know the first game, you have a good idea of what to expect here. Just don’t anticipate much in the way of game-changing innovation. Spider-Man 2 is a case of ‘more of the same,’ though that isn’t a bad thing when we’re talking about something that was already very good. Like at Casino Grand Bay, you always know you’ll find the classic casino games you love. It’s a big part of what makes online casinos so appealing.
Resident Evil 4 Remake
Let’s not beat around the bush, Capcom are firing on all cylinders. The Resident Evil 2 remake saw enormous success, boasting outstanding graphics and incredibly good gameplay. Now, after much anticipation, the Resident Evil 4 remake is just as good. Yes, the story is different, and not entirely true to the original. But when this much time and effort goes into a project of passion, who can argue that this isn’t a video game industry triumph?
If you haven’t already, pick up the Resident Evil 4 remake. You certainly won’t find anything to not love, even if you aren’t familiar with the franchise. Like Alan Wake 2, you’ll find a true single-player experience through and through. There is no multiplayer component to speak of, but we’re sure you understand that you can find good multiplayer gameplay elsewhere.
Dead Space Remake
Interestingly, the original Dead Space took its inspiration from Resident Evil 4. Now both games are seeing a remake in the same year, and both projects are incredible. The Dead Space remake, courtesy of EA, is as exceptional a work of passion as Resident Evil 4. Only in the case of Dead Space, the work is much closer to the original. Although some liberties have been taken in certain areas, virtually everything is as it was in the 2010 release.
However, do keep in mind that Dead Space is, and always was, far more of a horror than Resident Evil. The monsters are much spookier, and the violence more graphic. Either way, you can’t go wrong playing through the Resident Evil 4 and Dead Space remakes, perhaps even back-to-back.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
Last on our list is Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Although releasing much earlier in the year, Survivor stands tall amongst the other great 2023 gaming options. Survivor is also a case of more of the same, sticking close to the formula of the first, but there is plenty here to keep things interesting.
The focus of Survivor is on third-person platforming and combat, but with an additional healthy dose of exploration. The story, although fairly standard as far as Star Wars goes, is also decent. But you probably won’t pay much attention to the narrative as you cut your way through various monsters and Stormtroopers.
No matter which game you choose on the list, we’re confident you’ll have plenty of fun. In fact, you can check out every game on the list, assuming you have some end-of-year cash to throw around.