Premature ejaculation is a common problem for many men. Young men with very little experience sometimes have difficulty controlling their reactions to certain types of stimulation. Older men may experience premature ejaculation due to health conditions or the side effects of their current medications.
No matter what the reason, it can be quite frustrating and a cause for emotional distress especially if it begins to happen more frequently. It’s important to find out what is causing the problem. Paying a visit to your doctor can give you the answers you need to find a solution that works for you.
Why Does It Happen?
Premature ejaculation has many causes. For some, the primary cause is inexperience. They haven’t learned their triggers or how to control their physical reactions to certain stimuli. As a man ages and his body begins to change, health conditions and injuries to the body’s nervous system can result in the inability to maintain an erection or premature ejaculation. A visit to your doctor or urologist will help you identify the problem and find a solution that can help. It’s important to treat the cause of the problem, not just the symptoms.
Stress and Anxiety
Many people don’t realize the effects stress and anxiety have on the body. Too much stress can place pressure on the heart, raising blood pressure and causing chest pains. Anxiety can also pose problems. Worrying about poor sexual performance or not being able to live up to their partner’s expectations can be overwhelming. If it becomes a constant fear, it can cause premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction. Learn a few relaxation techniques to keep your breathing under control and remain calm. They will also help you to maintain your focus both in and out of the bedroom.
Side Effects of Medication
Many health conditions require potent medications to control their symptoms. Antidepressants, alcohol, amphetamines, and medications for heart failure and blood pressure are known to cause problems with libido. In men, this can result in premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and other problems related to sex and intimacy. Certain medications are necessary to maintain good health. By working with your doctor, you can maintain your health as well as enhance your sexual encounters.
Health Conditions
Health conditions like diabetes, congenital heart disease, upper respiratory conditions, and hormone imbalances can have a direct impact on the reproductive system and how well it functions. Poor sexual performance is one of the first indicators that something may be wrong in other areas of the body. If you begin to experience erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation, talk to your doctor as soon as possible. Uncovering the cause will allow it to be treated before it results in lasting damage. It may also save your life.
Finding the Right Solution
Premature ejaculation can have many causes. Finding the right solution will depend on what is causing the problem. A visit to your doctor will help you narrow down the possibilities. Treating the underlying cause should eliminate the problem. If it doesn’t, more work will need to be done to see what else may be playing a role in disrupting your sexual performance. This may take time. You can help by keeping a journal, detailing what helps and what does not.
Maintaining Control
Maintaining control is sometimes a case of mind over matter. Distracting yourself so that you are not focusing on the stimulation can help to an extent. You should also make it a point to learn what triggers are the most troublesome. Controlling your triggers and how your body responds to them is the first step in being able to improve sexual performance. It will also help you regain your confidence and give you a chance to enjoy your intimate times with your partner.
Your Body, Your Triggers
The one person who knows your body better than anyone else is you. Spend a little time masturbating so you can learn what sensations and triggers your body responds to. You will not only be able to identify your triggers, you will also be able to try different methods of reducing their overall effects. Only you can push your boundaries and maintain a sense of comfort and security in the process. If you are in a committed relationship, allow your partner to help you through this process. It will strengthen your relationship and put intimacy back into your lovemaking.
Creams and Condoms
Combining desensitizing creams and thicker condoms can also enhance your ability to go for longer periods of time without ejaculating or losing your erection. Talk to your doctor to find out what creams and condoms they recommend. They know what is available and can tell you where to find them if this is an option you are interested in pursuing.
Work with Your Doctor and Your Partner
If you are dealing with premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction, you don’t have to go through the difficulties alone. Talk to your doctor and your partner. Let them know what is happening and how you feel about it. Ask for their help in finding a positive solution. Communication is the key if you truly want to cover every base and find a solution that works for you and your partner.
There are many ways that premature ejaculation can be managed. A solution that Dr Laurence Levine medically recommends is premature ejaculation condoms. Using condoms that are designed to prevent premature ejaculation will help you uncover any potential problems and also allow you to maintain an erection for longer periods of time.